Tidal pools

Hello, my name is Saturn today I will be talking about tidal pools 

Sea areas are different everywhere. they can be sandy muddy or even covered in tropical coral and sometimes icy. Many have cliffs or reefs.


Tides assemble tidal pools by filling holes in the coast with water.no tidal pools are identical, they all are unique each has its own climate. The plants and animals that populate the tidal pools are comprehended as survivors, they take the risk of being left on the dry cliffs, the saltines’ temperature and oxygen can change in a flash.


Tidal pools on high ridges or at the top of a beach only fill up when there are storms floods or very high tides. Some get water from flying surf. These tidal pools are in the area called the splash zone, these pools dry out and commonly lose saltiness.


How do these creatures survive while these areas are so dangerous? Some go into tiny rock shelters. where it is damp and dark. Others hide in blobs of wet seaweed. Animals come out at night when it is completely moist and cold-ish.


Listen to the tide making noise slopping and sucking, crashing on rocky shores. Fierce currents, many animals and plants barely survive in there all of them have strong anchors.


Nelson literacy

Thank you for reading Saturn



One thought on “Tidal pools

  1. This was so interesting! I didn’t realize that tidal pools were dangerous for the animals that remain in the. Tidal pools are fascinating. I really enjoyed reading this, Saturn!

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